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Students taking General Chemistry 1 in Spring who receive C, C+, B-:.They would not need to retake the General Chemistry 1 course since the D will fulfill the UCC Natural Science requirement (Group 1). Students who realize that they no longer want to be in a major that requires General Chemistry (English for example) could take the P to remove the impact of the D from the GPA.Students who need to take General Chemistry 2 could choose to take a P to remove the impact of the D from the GPA but they would need to retake General Chemistry 1 before moving on to General Chemistry 2.Students taking General Chemistry 1 in Spring who receive D:.Their advisors can help direct them to appropriate science courses. They would still need to take a Natural Science course to fulfill the UCC requirements. Students who realize that they no longer want to be in a major that requires General Chemistry (English for example) could still choose the NC grade option.The students would need to retake General Chemistry 1 and receive a grade of C or higher before they could take General Chemistry 2. The NC grade, like the F, would be counted as attempted but not earned credits. Students who need to take General Chemistry 2, can choose the NC option to remove the impact of the F from their GPA.Students taking General Chemistry 1 in Spring who receive F: If I chose the P grade, can I retake the course?.Please check with your advisor to see if the course in question could be completed with the P grade. If the elective requires a C or better to pass, then the P grade would only work if your original grade was a C or higher. It is best to check with your advisor to determine if the P will work based on the original grade you received.Įlectives: If the elective in question would be fulfilled with a D grade, then the P grade would most likely fulfill that requirement. If your original grade was a D, changing the grade to P will not complete those requirements. Major Requirements: You will need an original grade of C or better to complete most major requirements.

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To fulfill the major requirement, the original grade would need to be high enough to fulfill that requirement. Not all UCC courses require that you attain a C or better, although some UCC courses may serve as both UCC and major requirements. If the original grade received was a D, the P will not fulfill any requirement that requires a C or better (Gordon Rule, Gordon Rule with Writing). UCC: If the original grade received was a C or higher, the P grade will fulfill any requirement that requires a C or better. If the student does not complete the incomplete with the established timeframe, the student’s graduation will be denied and he or she will need to apply for graduation for the following term. The Graduation Office begins to confer degrees on the day grades are released and continues within the timeframe given to them by the State of Florida. If a student receives an incomplete grade and has applied for graduation at the end of the term, he or she must complete the incomplete grade prior to the conferral of the degree. To change an incomplete grade, the student should speak directly to the course instructor to have the appropriate documentation submitted. Students should not re-enroll in the same course to make up the incomplete grade. If coursework is not completed in this time frame, the incomplete grade (IN) will automatically default to a failing grade (F). Students receiving an incomplete grade must complete the appropriate coursework within two semesters (including summer). Grading systems from Fall 1975 to Summer 2016. For grades Fall 1972 to Summer 1975 contact OneStop.Ĭollege of Law Grading System (Fall 2002 to Present) GradeĪn incomplete grade (IN) is a temporary symbol given at the discretion of the instructor for work not completed due to serious interruption, not caused by the student's own negligence. No grade assigned by instructor (system generated) National / International Student Exchange Credit Grading System (Fall 2016 to Present) Grade

Igrade student login